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About Me


My name is Sprocket Wagner, and I'm a journalist devoted to bringing diverse and equitable coverage to topics of religion and spirituality. I got my BS in Journalism from Emerson in 2023, and am currently attending Harvard Divinity in the Masters of Theological Studies program.


I'm also a witch and a pagan. To be more specific, I'm an eclectic pagan, although most of my worship goes to the Norse pantheon. I was raised without religion in a place steeped in conservative Christianity- a small town in West Virginia- and this led me down a path of curiosity, but also one of reckoning with difficult pasts, presents, and futures.


As for my professional pseudonym, Interfaith Heathen, I chose it for a number of reasons. "Interfaith" speaks for itself- not only do I wish to bring many perspectives, but to intermingle them. "Heathen" is a bit more complex. On one hand, it is a declaration of faith to the old gods, as a label that many Norse pagans use. On the other, it is an acceptance and acknowledgement of a spiritual othering that I and many others have experienced.

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